Some of these animals are on their own in the streets, fighting for scraps of food from gutters and garbage.
Others of these animals are in shelters, where people who are kind and caring are helping house and feed them.
Animal lovers want to help all of the animals in need. While you can't run around feed all the animals on the street, you CAN donate to animal shelters and help them feed the cats, dogs and other animals they are caring for.
Even if you don't have the spare money to help feed animals in need, you can STILL help some shelter animals eat!
How? Simply by clicking a button!
There are a few websites online who will donate food to shelters if you visit them and click a button, or answer a question online. They get their funds from the ads you see on their pages when you visit.
If you love animals and want to help you should try to visit all of these sites every day!
The Animal Rescue Site
The Animal Rescue Site is the first click to feed site I was ever aware of! You can click every day to donate food. They also have a collection of LINKS where you can share their site on social media and your own blog or web page. The more people who visit and click, the more food is given!
And, if you have a few extra bucks to spare you can also make donations, or buy something from the Animal Rescue Shop to further help the cause!
Free Kibble
On you answer a Trivia Question once every day. Regardless of whether you get the answer right or wrong, they will donate 10 pieces of kibble!
If you have a little cash to spare, then for just $5 a year you can join Kibble Plus. That will DOUBLE your daily trivia donations so that each time you click you'll be donating 20 pieces of kibble instead of 10.
Free Kibble Kat
If you can't tell by the name and logo, Free Kibble Kat is the feline version of Free Kibble.
The same rules apply. 10 pieces of kitty kibble are donated each time you ansewr their trivia question. It doesn't matter if you get the answer wrong or right.
And, again, if you pay $5 a year to join Kibble Plus, that donation goes up to 20 pieces of kibble!
As an added bonus, you can click LuLu's Litter Box to donate kitty litter as well as kibble!
Cute Dispute
With Cute Dispute you can get your daily dose of cute animal photos or videos, AND feed a shelter pet in need! You are show two cute overdoses, and you have to vote for your favorite of the two.
The hardest part of this is deciding which of the two cute things you are show to vote for as the CUTEST!
There you have 4 very simple ways to help feed shelter animals every day! Each of them is 100% free to you, but you can donate more funds if you want to!
Do you know of any other ways to help feed shelter animals at no cost? If so PLEASE share them in the comments below and I'll add them to my list!